I met my goal of 24 hours reading. Yay!
I finished 3 books:
Whispers Under Ground: 10 hours, 17 minutes
Born A Crime: 8 hours, 50 minutes
Strangers on a Train: 289 pages.
Both audiobooks were both great choices for a readathon, but highly recommended for anytime.
I'm off to bed. I'm exhausted.
I'm trying my hand at this, but I was terrible in poetry at school and haven't gotten any better. However I'm good at jumble puzzles so I thought to give it a try. I initially attempted for something uplifting, but could only come up with something rather dark. What do you think?
24 hours in and 12 hours of reading completed. Yay Me!
When I started I didn't think I'd be able to read for the full 24 hours, but now I see it's possible. Fingers crossed I have few interruptions during the 2nd half.
I just finished: Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch I love this series! It's a great audiobook for a readathon.
I'm ½ way through Strangers on a Train - Patricia Highsmith. I hope to finish it tomorrow.
How's your readathon going?
Which 3 audiobooks would you recommend for a road trip, and why?
Any book from the Peter Grant Series--book 1 is Midnight Riot - Ben Aaronovitch.
Any book in the Chief Inspector Gamache series--book 1 is Still Life - Louise Penny
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
The reasons are the same for each: Great story read by a superb narrator!
I spent most of the first 12 hours sleeping and doing chores. However I did get in 3 hours of reading Whispers Under Ground by Ben Aaronovitch. I'm loving the book!
Here's to hoping I get more reading done during this next stretch!
Opening Survey:
Where in the world are you reading from this weekend?
Southern California
Have you done the 24in48 readathon before?
Nope. This is my first time.
Where did you hear about the readathon, if it is your first?
I heard about it while doing Dewey's 24 hour readathon.
What book are you most excited about reading this weekend?
Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch. via audiobook. I love this series. Kobna Holbrook-Smith is fabulous as the narrator!
Tell us something about yourself.
My nose has been buried in books ever since I learned to read. I was such an avid reader in my youth that my parents said they should have left me at home when we took family vacations. I'd be reading instead of looking out the window of the tour bus when we were travelling outside the country. Oh Foolish Youth!
Remind us where to find you online this weekend.
I'm at bluebird.booklikes.com
I'm also trying out Litsy @bluebird
I just signed up for the readathon as the stars seemed to have aligned for me.
I've got a 3 day weekend with few scheduled commitments (other than an originally planned season 6 binge watch of GOT before starting the new season....yes, running late...hope to catch up soon!)
Not sure what books I'll read but likely will try to finish books I'm currently reading:
others I'm considering:
on audio:
next up in the In Death Series: Seduction in Death - J.D. Robb
next up in the Peter Grant Series (if my library loan comes on time): Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood - Trevor Noah
in print/ebook:
next in the Monkeewrench series: Shoot to Thrill - P.J. Tracy Shoot to Thrill - P.J. Tracy
Lucia, Lucia - Adriana Trigiani
or...whatever else may strike my fancy on the day.
End of Event Survey
1, Which hour was most daunting to you? Hour 23. I wanted to go to bed but how could I give up with just one hour to go?
2. Could you list a few high interest books that you think could keep a reader engaged for next year? J.D. Robb's In Death series, Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniels series. cozy mysteries
3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next season?
I had lots of trouble accessing the Readathon website. No matter how much I refreshed or deleted my internet history, I still couldn't get the page to load past Hour 12. I had to use the search bar in order to view each hourly post. Very strange.
4. What do you think worked really well in this year's read-a-thon?
All the various social sites. A great way for so many people to participate.
5. How many books did you read? 4
6. What were the names of the books you read?
The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
Midwives by Chris Bohjalian
Last Bus to Woodstock by Colin Dexter
Interlude in Death by J.D. Robb
7. Which book did you enjoy most? Midwives!
8. Which book did you enjoy least? The Dexter book. Inspector Morse is such an unlikable character that I couldn't wait to finish. I don't think I'll carry on with the series.
9. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? Yes!
Final Stats:
Pages Read: 695
Time Spent Reading: 13.5 hours
Books Finished: 4
Hour 17
Updated Reading Stats:
Pages Read: 465
Time Spend Reading: 7.25 hours
Currently Reading: Interlude in Death - J.D. Robb
Books Finished: 2--The Dispatcher - John Scalzi,Zachary Quinto and Midwives - Chris Bohjalian
Mini-challenges Completed: 0
Hour 12
Mid Event Survey
1. What are you reading right now? Last Bus to Woodstock - Colin Dexter
2. How many books have you read? finished one book, in the middle of two others
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the readathon?
I'm hoping to finish both Last Bus to Woodstock and Midwives. I'm planning to start Interlude in Death by JD Robb as my next audiobook
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with them? Nothing unanticipated
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? I'm surprised I've not participated in any of the mini challenges.
Hour 9
I finished my first book of the readathon:
I've been wanting to read a John Scalzi book for some time but never got around to it. You know: too many books on the TBR pile, not enough time to read....
Well, I picked up this short story for free from audible not too long ago and thought it would be the perfect introduction to a new author. And the bonus: Zachary Quinto of Star Trek is the reader. He's wonderful and the story is a blend of two of my favorite genre: Science Fiction and Mystery. It's a very short whodunnit set in a time when it's nearly impossible to be murdered. I'll definitely read more from Scalzi--I love his world building and storytelling. Based on a recommendation, I purchased Old Man's War - John Scalzi just last weekend at the LA Times Book Festival. That's what I call good timing!
Updated Reading Stats:
Pages Read: 221
Time Spend Reading: 3.25 hours
Currently Reading: Midwives - Chris Bohjalian
Books Finished: 1
Mini-challenges Completed: 0
Hour 5
I'm off to a slow start due to all the early morning chores: ate breakfast, etc.
However, I got some reading in via audiobook while on a morning walk.
Reading Stats:
Pages Read: 110
Currently Reading: The Dispatcher - John Scalzi,Zachary Quinto on audio and Midwives - Chris Bohjalian on my kindle
Books Finished: 0
Mini-challenges Completed: 0
It's readathon time again! Yay.
Opening Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm in Southern California.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to finally finishing Midwives by Chris Bohjalian. I started it months ago but set it aside with about 50% complete because I didn't have much time to read on my kindle (or paper). Most of my reading lately has been via audio during my commute to work.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Girl Scouts Thin Mint Cookies. I have a box hiding in my freezer. I anticipate eating the whole box today!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I fell in love with books as soon as I learned to read. I'm a book hoarder and book reader. While I love my kindle and books on audio, I can't part with traditional "dead tree" books. Now if only they didn't take up so much space! I've no room on my bookshelves, so everytime I get a new book, I have to part with an old one. And that's very difficult for me to do !
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
This is my 5th read-a-thon. I don't know if I'll do anything different. Last year I had a good balance of reading, cheering and participating in challenges. I recently signed on to Litsy, but don't think I've figured out how to post over there, so I will likely hang out a bit at the Goodreads group.
End of Event Survey
Which hour was most daunting for you?
Hour 13, my readathon got interrupted and I didn't make it back for hours.
Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
JD Robb's In Death series, Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniel's series, and MC Beaton's Hamish MacBeth's cozy mysteries are all fun and fast paced books that are good choices.
Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next season?
Not really, everything is great!
What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
The Goodreads group was a fun place to easily socialize with fellow readers. I'm not on Litsy or Twitter, so glad this alternate was added!
How many books did you read?
I finished one book and read part of 3 others.
What were the names of the books you read?
The Rose of Fire - Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - J.K. Rowling,John Kerr Tiffany,Jack Thorne
The Cartographer of No Man's Land - P.S. Duffy
Which book did you enjoy most?
Judgment in Death.
Which did you enjoy least?
I enjoyed them all. Cartographer of No Man's Land was a tough read for the long haul of a readathon, so I only read it for a few hours. I fully expected this, but I had started it before the RAT and didn't want to set it aside completely.
How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
Highly likely! I love devoting a day to reading! I hope I have no conflicts for the Spring RAT! I'll participate as a reader and a cheerer!
Final Stats:
Pages Read: 439
Hours spent reading: 9.5 hours
Time Spent cheering and socializing: 3 hours
Hour 23
I made it back. Yay!
I finished a short novella The Rose of Fire - Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
I'm now reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - J.K. Rowling,John Kerr Tiffany,Jack Thorne
Hour 18
I got sidetracked and haven't done much reading since Hour 12 and will now be offline for awhile now. I hope to be back before the end...
Hour 12
Mid Event Meme:
1. What are you reading right now?
The Cartographer of No Man's Land - P.S. Duffy
2. How many books have you read so far?
Not finished any, but I'm nearly at the half way point for both books I'm reading.
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
I'm looking forward to continuing my read of Judgment in Death - J.D. Robb. I just love Eve, Roarke, Peabody and McNabb. This is a perfect audio read for the readathon. Fast paced and fun.
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
No interruptions. Shocking, I know. First time this has happened. Yay!
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
I'm happily surprised I'm getting as much reading done as I am. I've spent 6 hours either reading my kindle or listening via audible. Happy day!
Update # 2 Hour 9
Reading Progress: 30% of via audio, 10%
via ebook
Time spent reading: 4 hours and 20 minutes
Blogs Cheered: 6 (yes, a measly number--will spend more time visitng other soon)
Snacks eaten: 4 chocolate chip cookies, 1 slice banana nut bread
Mini Challenge: A Puzzling Challenge
Missing words are:
Vow Gown Candles, Cake Gifts
Rings Veil Bride Couple
Groom Bell Flowers Honeymoon
Update #1 Hour 5
I started my readathon with an audio read: Judgment in Death - J.D. Robb
In the first 4 hours of the readathon:
I listened for approximately 1 hour and am 10-15% finished with the book.
I walked for 1.5 miles and did some morning chores.
I haven't had any snacks yet, but the day's still early....
Happy Dewey's Readathon. It's hour one, I'm awake and raring to go!
Opening Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm in Southern California, so hour 1 is 5:00am. It's a good thing I'm usually up early in the morning, otherwise this start time would be tough!
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Not one in particular, but I am looking forward to continuing my current read: The Cartographer of No Man's Land - P.S. Duffy and starting the next book in the In Death or Kate Daniels series.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Banana Nut Bread! Yum.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I fell in love with books as soon as I learned to read. My folks said I always had my nose buried in a book--even when we were on family vacations. My love of books persists today, but in a much more balanced way--which is why I'm happy to spend most of today just reading!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
This is my 4th read-a-thon. I've not had lots of reading time lately so I'm looking forward to devoting the day to all things bookish! This year I hope to spend some time participating on Goodreads at the readathon group and cheer others on--I don't do twitter or instagram, but will pop by some of the blogs.
I'm dusting off my blog in preparations for Dewey's Readathon tomorrow. Yay! I missed the last one and haven't had much time for reading of late. I"m looking forward to devoting a day to reading and all things bookish.
I was a devoted Shelfari user and since it's demise I've not had much of a presence on any book site. I'm on both Librarything and Goodreads, although I've not participated much in groups yet. Perhaps this weekend will get me reinvigorated to spend time on the social book sites.
I'm hoping to finish the two books I'm in the process of reading:
via ebook: via audiobook
both are fairly long and I'm not currently even half way finished, so I may move on to other more readathon friendly books.
After perusing my TBR pile, I've narrowed my possible reads to twenty. All less than 350 pages and from a variety of genre: fantasy, young adult, mystery, non-fiction, romance and Austen inspired. All are books I think may be fast reads that will hold my interest enough to keep me going through the day.
Here's a selection from my shortlist:
See you tomorrow!
Closing Survey:
Which hour was most daunting for you?
Hour 15: I got so sleepy it was hard to keep going.
Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
anything by Neil Gaiman. JD Robb's In Death Series. If your into cozy mysteries: the Mrs Pollifax series-the audiobooks are wonderful.
Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
The organizers are incredible! This is a great forum for reading, sharing the love of books with other readers. The hourly posts and challenges help to keep you motivated and add variety to the day. Love it! The only thing missing was a way for everyone to link their closing survey post to the Hour 24 master post. I usually check out everyone's posts and somehow it was left off the Hour 24 post.
What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
How many books did you read?
½ of 2 books. Does that mean I finished one?
What were the names of the books you read?
Slammerkin by Emma Donaghue
Dodger by Terry Pratchett-narrated by Stephen Briggs
Which book did you enjoy most?
Both are great
Which did you enjoy least?
If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
This was my first time cheerleading so am not sure how things were organized before. I like the idea of the team set-up, but I found the format a bit confusing. Next time I think I'll try to color code which blogs I've cheered on (Chris did that this time around and I think that's a great idea). It might also be good to indicate the hour that a post was cheered--but that could be an excel nightmare.
How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? I most certainly will participate again. As reader and cheerleader.
Update: Hour 23
I'm back. I tried to do the shelfi challenge but guess I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to get a photo onto this blog. Perhaps I'll figure this out for the future.
Looks like many folks are still going strong. I've done a bit more cheerleading and read more of Dodger via audio. I'm off to finish off the readathon with Slammerkin-maybe I'll finish??? Wish me luck to not fall asleep again--lying in bed is probably not a wise choice, but I'm comfy and don't want to move.
Update: Hour 18
These past few hours I've been doing household chores, so I have been reading Terry Pratchett's Dodger by audiobook. I still have about 25% left to read of this and of Slammerkin, so I don't anticipate finishing either of them this readathon. I'm going to do a bit more reading now, but am not likely to post again until the closing entry. Thanks to all who've visited and commented. It's been fun cheering others on and nice to receive.
Four Seasons/Four Books Minichallenge:
Convey the four seasons in book covers by color, author, title or ...
Last year I did a color scheme. Because I'm getting tired, this year I'm taking the easy route: by Title. All from my "read" shelf.
Mid Event Survey
1. What are you reading right now?
I'm still reading Slammerkin and listening to Dodger
2. How many books have you read so far?
None completed yet
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
I'm hoping to start The House at Sea's End by Elly Griffiths.
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
Not many interruptions, but I had many planned errands and tasks that needed to be done today.
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
That I'm tiring out so early and that I've read so little. I thought I'd have more time for reading and cheering today. I think I'll take a nap and see if I can get re-energized.
Update #1
Well, it's hour # 8 and I'm not as far as I was hoping to be.
I've spent less than 3 hours reading.
I'm now half done with Slammerkin - Emma Donoghue. I started this earlier in the week and hope to finish this weekend. When out and about I've been listening to the audiobook Dodger - Terry Pratchett. Both books are excellent!
Blogs visited and cheered: 8
Exercise completed: walked 2 ½ miles
snacks eaten: one small slice of Pumpkin Spice Cake and a few pita crackers with hummus.
Read-a-thon Mini Challenge: Cover Escape
The Challenge: Dig through your shelves and share with us a book cover you'd like to escape into!
It's hard to pick just one cover, but this is a favorite.
I'd love to drop in and enjoy a beautiful day on that lovely estate!
Yay, It's read-a-thon time! I love devoting a day to all things bookish!
Introductory Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm in Southern California.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
I started Slammerkin by Emma Donaghue earlier this week and can't wait to get back to it.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Pumpkin Spice Cake--I just love this season of the year!
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
from last year's opening meme: I fell in love with books as soon as I learned to read. My folks said I always had my nose buried in a book--even when we were on family vacations. My love of books persists today, but in a more balanced way--which is why I'm happy to spend most of today just reading!
I spend most of my "bookish" time at Shelfari but although I've done lots of reading this year I've been less active on the site over the past six months. I'm hoping today helps get me back to participating more in my groups and back to reviewing books.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
This is my 4th read-a-thon. I'm planning to be more socially active this time so I signed up as an official cheerleader.
Update #4
Hour 19
Well, I've got work tomorrow so this will likely be my last post until the final survey.
I had some unexpected issues arise that cut into my reading time so it doesn't look like I'll finish Joyland before the end of the readathon. However, I have started another audio book: Mrs Pollifax on the China Station by Dorothy Gilman, narrated by Barbara Rosenblatt.
The Best of the Best Mini Challenge
Best Book of Your Reading Year:
this one's easy. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. A powerfully moving story of two courageous sisters in during the German occupation of France during WWII. I've shied away from WWII books of late, but am so glad I didn't pass this one up.
Best Main Character of Your Reading Year:
Mrs Pollifax! She's a white haired 60ish year old woman who decides one day that she wants to join the CIA, so she goes down to Washington DC to offer her services. This year I've read 5 books in the Pollifax series, and they just get better and better. I highly recommend them as an audio read by Barbara Rosenblatt-she is fabulous!
Best Mystery Book of the Year
This is a tough one. I've read a lot of mysteries this year, from cozy, to hard-boiled, to historical. It's hard to say one is better than another, so I could say four or five are "the best". I'll just list two here:
Monkeewrench by P.J. Tracy. Grace MacBride and her partners at a software company, have a created a new computer game they think will be the next big thing: Serial Killer Detective. Unfortunately someone decides to turn the game into real life: people are being murdered exactly as in the game. Great characters and a compelling storyline.
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. It's a psychological thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat and unable to put it down once I started. Even though the ending fell a bit flat for me, I enjoyed it so much that I still gave it 4 ½ stars.
Update # 3:
Hour 12
Mid Event Survey:
1. What are you reading right now? I'm still reading Joyland by Stephen King
2. How many books have you read so far? I finished one: Epitaph by Mary Doria Russell
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? I don't know if I'll get to another book, but I do I'm think I'll tackle the next Inspector Gamache/Three Pines book by Louise Penny or the Mrs Pollifax on the China Station by Dorothy Gilman.
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? I had a doozy of an interruption at Hour 10. I fear my participation during the 2nd half will be less than I originally planned.
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? I was surprised that I spent so much time listening to my audiobook rather than reading. I've needed to multi-task a lot today.
Update # 2:
Hour 9
Wow, the day is just zipping by.
I'm still reading Joyland by Stephen King
I finished Epitaph by Mary Doria Russell
Here are my readathon stats:
Books Read: 1 (sort of, I'd read 2/3 of the book before today)
Total pages read: 258
# of snack breaks: none (yay, but the day is still young)
# of challenges participated in: 2
# of blogs visited: 10
# of blogs cheered: 5 (I can't quite figure out how to cheer on some without having to create a new type of account)
Mini Challenge: Treasure Hunt
find a book with one of the listed items on the cover: tree, snow, weapon
I found all 3 from my "read" shelf.
Are there bonus points for books with both Tree and Snow on them? : )
tree & snow
Update # 1:
Hour 5
My reading today will be via traditional books, e-books and audiobooks.
I started my readathon with a book that's been on my TBR shelf for more than one year--and one I planned to read at the last readathon: Joyland by Stephen King, on my Kindle. It's a great choice to start. I'm about 20% in and loving it!
When I'm not able to sit down and read today, I'll be listening to Epitaph by Mary Doria Russell. I started this last week and had about four hours left before the day started. I'm hoping to finish today--I've already listened to one hour this morning while running errands.
Hour # 1
Yay! I'm here, and only ½ hour late!
Opening Meme:
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I'm in Southern California. It's a cold day for us, the forecast is for cloudy with a high temperature in the 60's. Great day for reading.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
I'm hoping to finish Epitaph by Mary Doria Russell.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Chocolate Covered Almonds--my favorite
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I fell in love with books as soon as I learned to read. My folks said I always had my nose buried in a book--even when we were on family vacations. My love of books persists today, but in a much more balanced way--which is why I'm happy to spend most of today just reading!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
This is my 3rd read-a-thon. This year I hope to spend some time cheering others today!
Peter Grant is a probationary constable who dreams of becoming a detective in London’s Metropolitan Police. This plan gets sidetracked when he comes face-to-face (or should I say face-to-specter?) with a 19th century ghost claiming to be a witness to a grisly murder in Covent Garden. Grant soon comes to the attention of Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale, a wizard and head of the London police division investigating magical and supernatural happenings. What follows is a police procedural set in a paranormal London. Very British and very fun! Part of its charm is due to Grant’s down-to-earth approach to solving the crime—while dealing with ghosts, water spirits and vampires. I read this via audio--narration by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith. He is fantastic! ! I doubt I would have enjoyed it as much as a traditional read.
I picked the color blue.
I've read 3 of the 4 below and I really enjoyed them all.
I've not yet read The Shadowy Horses, but anticipate I'll really like that one too since I'm a fan of Kearsley's other works.
1. What are you reading right now?
Naked in Death by J.D. Robb
2. How many books have you read so far?
Just one.
I got side-tracked early in the day, but I am hoping to have a few quality hours before sleep beckons
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
If I get to a third book this readathon, I'm considering either Unwind by Neal Shusterman or Joyland by Stephen King. However I might go with a light Georgette Heyer Regency book if I'm tired but still up for reading a bit more.
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
Too many to count today. I dealt with them as quickly as possible, but sometimes life happens.
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
That I've not participated in any of the mini challenges or visited other blogs.
Opening Meme
What fine part of the world are you from?
Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Naked in Death by J.D. Robb
I've been wanting to start this series for the longest time!
Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Pumpkin Spice Cake
Tell us a little something about yourself?
I've been in a reading slump recently, but I'm hoping that ends today.
If you participated in the last readathon, what's one thing you'll do different today?
I'm going to do a bit of reading via audiobook so I can enjoy the sunshine and get some exercise.
I think I'll take a long walk outside today.